Building our Church Communication Guide
A communication guide is something every church should have. This was how we created ours, what went into it, and how we've implemented it.
What I've Learned as the "Church Media Guy"
After 2 years as a church creative director, I've learned a lot about what works and what doesn't.
The Best Apps for Managing Your Email
Tired of your unruly email? Here are some great apps out there for staying on top of your email without devoting your life to managing your inbox.
Lessons from Wine and Nebulas
The heavens evidence a unimaginably enormous creator who constructs worlds for his sole enjoyment and glory. The wine evidences a personal craftsman involved in the relationships of humankind. These two pictures of God the creator, from the first two chapters of the book of John, contain huge implications. These are a few lessons God has begun to teach me that have emerged from seeing him as both the creator of an unknowable universe and an excellent winemaker.